Sunday, January 25, 2009

Done nothing with PALS

As the title says, I've done absolutely no work on PALS this weekend. However, being that I still have over a month to finish it I'm really not too worried - and in other ways, this weekend has been very productive indeed!

First off, I've managed to write 2 letters, which, for me, is a miracle! I now only have 3 to reply to, and am feeling pretty good about the amount of time it's currently taking me to reply to people. I think 1-2 months is pretty decent; and it means I generally have some news to give the person I am writing to rather than just saying exactly what I said in my last letter. So I'm keeping up with my promise on that one for the moment!

I've also found time to update my "pals" folder. I have a folder that gives me basic info about each of my pals, such as addresses and important dates. It just means I can check people's brithdays/ make sure I am sending things to the right place. Problem is, I sometimes find it hard to remember to update it. I have addresses in other places so it's usually no problem, but it's nice when I know it's all as up to date as it can be - like now!

Finally, and on a more personal note, I'm finally getting some exercise! For the first time in ages Dan and I went swimming today, and both really enjoyed it. We also cycled there and back, so got a decent amount of exercise! Now we just need to keep going...

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