Saturday, October 21, 2006

A slow start

I forced my self to sit down and write a couple of pieces about cities in the South West of England for future issues of PALS earlier - I really didn't want to do it, especially after spending all afternoon doing other things on the computer, but it turns out it wasn't so bad.

The pieces only needed to be short anyway, and once I got into writing them I actually quite enjoyed myself. I also managed to proof read Issue 14 - it won't be on-line until next weekend, but I'm hoping Friday will be quiet enough so that I can upload it then, before going back to Exeter again to sort out a few more wedding things and celebrate Dan's grans birthday.

Other than that, I've been a bit busy to think about the newsletter much, and I don't think next month will be much better. Just glad I'm managing to keep on top of it well enough to get it on-line in time every couple of months!

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