Sunday, August 27, 2006

Issue 13 On-line

Well, I've finally managed to get Issue 13 of PALS uploaded. The fact that changing links within the newsletter is really hard is starting to really annoy me; I want to change it, but not sure I can with the version of Publisher that I have. I will have to sit down and play with it (read: make Dan try to fix it), but I'm not convinced it will make any difference. So I may just have to keep working around it!

Anyway, not it seems blogger does not want to play ball and upload the picture of Issue 13 for me, so just click the link above to see the issue! When blogger decides to behave I'll try and upload the picture to this blog again!

Sometimes I really love computers...

Having said that, it just decided to behave! Sometimes "one last try" is worth it, apparently...although not often!

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