Sunday, April 15, 2012

Writing Issue 47

Once again, it's been some time since I posted on this blog. That's primarily because, since I last wrote, I've done nothing at all in relation to PALS - at least, not until today. Although I had fully intended to make a start on Issue 47 over Easter, I have been ill for basically the entire time I've been off work. Which has made me both grumpy, and entirely unproductive.

I have now, at least, begun to write Issue 47. To give you a taste of what will be an Anniversary Special, here are the Five Things that have made the front page of the issue:

1. A relaxing, sunny holiday in the Shetland Islands on our first wedding anniversary
2. Visits to various restaurants (Vegetarian and otherwise) to celebrate our engagement anniversary
3. Homemade three-course meals to celebrate anniversaries
4. Homemade cakes, pancakes and smoothies
5. Wedding gifts to fit with the modern and traditional anniversary gifts

The issue is due out at the end of April, and I might even have managed to finish it by then!

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