Thursday, June 25, 2009

Issue 30 of PALS on-line...

Eventually. A large part of me wants to sell anything that relies on electricity (except maybe the fridge and oven- oh, OK, anything that's electronic and designed for "pleasure") and just buy a piano. Well, it's a dream...

After many hours of swearing at Dreamweaver for refusing to do the simplest of tasks (in order to create links on the latest newsletter, I had to resort to copying and pasting text from old newsletters that were already links, as apparently adding links to pre-generated text is NOT ALLOWED). Hence my now very frustrated mood, which results in things being thrown... it was nearly the computer itself...

Anyway, Issue 30 should now all be working and available to look at. If you find any problems, please keep them to yourself. I am wasting no more time "fixing" it! The actual newsletter was fun to create this time around - it's all about my pal Katie's trip around Western Australia back in August last year. Enjoy the read more than I enjoyed the upload!

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