Saturday, January 22, 2011

Issue 40 started

Now that I've had time to play catch-up over Christmas, I'm making an attempt to stay on track with future issues and updates for PALS. So far this has proved pretty easy as I seem to have had plenty of spare time in January - something of a rarity normally, but nice for a change!

Today I made a start on Issue 40 of PALS. I should have been spending time celebrating (the first of this years many) 30th birthdays this evening, but catching a crappy cold meant I thought it safer to stay at home and not annoy everybody else by giving it to them! Making a start on Issue 40 seemed like a sensible, and fairly easy, relaxing, alternative.

I've begun by writing a couple of articles on Easter in the UK, including one on some of the things I like to bake around that time. It did end up making me quite hungry for chocolate cake and mini eggs though...

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