Sunday, September 16, 2007



I've been working really quite hard this evening...first off, I corrected a few mistakes that I'd noticed I'd made on Issue 18 of PALS. The issue got released a week before I got married, so I think it's kind of fair I made a couple of little errors! I've now added page 8 (which you couldn't see before - not a huge deal as it was only the standard back page, but looked a bit odd without it) and changed the Issue number on the front page to 18 - before it said 16. Oops!

Secondly, I continued writing up some of the Food and Drink Special, due to be released in late Oct - I was focussing on the Beer page this evening!

Thirdly, I've now changed the way past issues of PALS are accessed slightly (with a bit of Dan's help). Instead of each issue being separately linked on the home page, there is now a link to an All Past Issues page, where there is a full list of every issue and what it's about/ it's date. Links from here take you to the relevant issue. You can still access the most recent PALS newsletters from the side bar on the home page though, just for ease of access.

Fourthly, and (I think), finally, I've uploaded a few more pics to the Aberdeenshire and Scotland photo pages. This time they are from Braemar and Inverness, 2 of the places I've visited in the past couple of weeks. Talking of that, I still need to write pieces on Dundee and Inverness, and have a go at the "Adventure Special" pieces too. Something for another day I think!

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